Our most precious awards

Our most precious awards

Botanic Award in Gold

"Botanic Preis in gold" 

06.09.2019 - Das Fürstliche Gartenfest Schloß Wolfsgarten - Langen Germany

For Paeonia lactiflora "Allan Rogers"

Paeonia lactiflora "Allan Rogers". A compact and very floriferous peony. Flowers are semi double to double. Stamens and carpels show. Multiple side buds turn the plant into a fluffy white dome. 

Flowers are held just above healthy dark green foliage. Stems are strong and no support is required. This softly scented peony was named after Allen Rogers author of the book Peonies and a lovely dedicated peony nurseryman.


Laureaat botanische jury - Educational & collection award 

11.05.2019 The Garden Days at Beervelde

Award for the extensive collection of peonies for bees and other pollinators. 

"You could say that peony grower Jeaninne Lemmens teaches us the garden lovers to deal with peonies again. The single flowers of this collection are abundantly visited by bees and other pollinators."

Award Beervelde Graefswinning

Laureaat botanische jury - Educational award 

14.10.2018 The Garden Days at Beervelde

Award for the beautiful peony roots that encourage us to plant in the fall. 

"More and more garden experts are advising to plant peonies in the fall. Newly harvested and divided roots are ideal. Jeaninne Lemmens from Graefswinning tries to draw attention to this planting technique. Autumn is a good planting period for many plants and therefore also for those beautiful peonies. Hence Jeaninne Lemmens rightly receives the educational award from Beervelde."

Award Beervelde.jpg

Laureaat botanische jury - Special award José De Buck

12.05.2018 The Garden Days at Beervelde

For Paeonia herbaceous hybrid "Red Grace"

Peony "Red Grace" always has a special place for us and this reward confirms our choice for this excellent garden plant and long lasting out of the ordinary cut flower. And not to forget she is red!

App award 2015

Novice Design Award - American Peony Society

15.05.2015 Convention in Louisville KY, U.S.A.

Theme: "Jefferson Memorial Forest" Featuring peonies and incorporating natural material. Creative Designs are those in which creativity, imagination and originality are essential ingredients and show a restraint in the amount of plant material and/or components used. 

The participants at the Peony Show were so kind to let me "borrow" a few peonies so I could enter the contest and take home this Award. Thank you. 

"Botanic Preis in Bronze" 

19.09.2014 - Das Fürstliche Gartenfest Schloß Wolfsgarten - Langen Germany

For Paeonia herbaceous hybrid "Old Faithful"

Peony "Old Faithful" receives an amazing bronzen wolf from the jury for its sturdy growth, perfect flowers and promising roots!

"Botanic Preis in Bronze" 

17.05.2013 - Das Fürstliche Gartenfest Schloß Fasanerie - Fulda Germany

For Paeonia herbaceous hybrid "Eliza Lundy"

Peony "Eliza Lundy" our tiny but proud winner of the Botanic Bronze Award, gets an impressive bronze pineapple from the jury for its compact form, beautiful proportions and perfect flower shape.

"Botanische prijs vaste planten"

11.05.2013 - De Tuindagen van Beervelde

For Paeonia herbaceous hybrid "Merry Mayshine"

A sunny moment for our peony "Merry Mayshine". With count Renaud de Kerchove de Denterghem and Ivo Pauwels representative of the jury

Le premier prix dans la catégorie "Meilleure Qualité Culturale". 

20.04.2013 - La Feuillerie Celles

Big surprise - Graefswinning' peonies were awarded the first price "Best Quality" from Francis Peeters and the entire jury at the fair "Plantes rares et de Collection à La Feuillerie in Celles

Awards & Awards with Honours

2011, 2012, 2013 2014 2015 2018 Festival of Rare Plants, Roses and Kitchen gardens in Hex

The first day at Hex is always very exiting. Can our peonies convince the jury?

Lumière Award APS

American Peony Society "Certificate of Merit Seedling". 

05.2008 - Convention in Bloomington Minnesota.

Seedling H3051 obtained by Donald Hollingsworth which he entered at the APS Contention. The seedling's registration under the name "Lumière" is in progress.