Top peonies for beginners

Contrary to popular belief, peonies are easy to grow, but like all of us, they have some basic needs to succeed in life. Check out these 5 tips  Plant a good healthy root in full soil in the autumn  Choose a sunny, non-damp spot  Prepare your planting hole with compost and a slow-release fertiliser  Cut and remove the leaves each autumn  Provide an annual slow release food  If you can tick all the above boxes, then peonies are for you! Choose any variety you like or we have made it even easier by selecting 10 unique and hardy varieties below.

Best Landscape peonies

Landscape peonies come in a wide variety of colours, shapes and scents. They do not need to be staked. Some flowers are lighter, perhaps more elegant, but no less beautiful. On the contrary!  The best selections have won the American Peony Society Award of Landscape Merit.

Extra Large flowers

Impressive mouthwatering large flowers. For larger than large peonies, remove the pea-sized side buds in early spring. All the energy will flow into one beautiful flower, ideal for a sumptuous bouquet, a striking single flower display or a classic piece of floral art.

Heirloom peonies

Golden oldies that have stood the test of time and are the backbone of many gardens. Our selection includes varieties from before 1940 and their stories.

Small and cute

When space is at a premium, compact plants with an interesting growing cycle are ideal for enlivening your outdoor retreat. We have a lovely selection of smaller, delicate or colourful varieties. These peonies do not need to be staked. There are often several flower buds per stem, extending the flowering season.

Fragrant peonies

At Graefswinning, we aim for a peony collection that touches all of our senses. Scent is a characteristic we particularly favour and a criterion that is highly valued when selecting peonies for our catalogue.

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