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1743 - 1820 Kew United Kingdom.
Sir Joseph Banks known for his numerous introductions of plants sailed at the age of 25 with Captain Cook on the Endeavour (where have we heard this name before?). Upon his return from Australia in 1771 he became horticultural and garden adviser to Kew, a post which he held until his death in 1820. Next year this bi-centennial will be commemorated. So, the reintroduction of P. "Fragrans" in Europe is a must do.
He was a contemporary of Carl Linné who is perhaps better known as Linnaeus, Lancelot Brown or Capability Brown... and during his live fostered many contacts by exchanging plants and knowledge between nations in spite of war or other obstacles.
In 1804 together with 6 friends they started a movement for the improvement of horticulture. Now known as the Royal Horticultural Society. He was the first director and The Society has thrived ever since!
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