Peony 'Scrumdidleyumptious'

Peony 'Scrumdidleyumptious'


Paeonia Itoh 'Scrumdidleyumpious'. Paeonia Itoh 'Scrumdidleyumpious'. An intersectional hybrid. The semi-double and double flowers are a playful mix of cream undertones with subtle pink veins. The flowering season is extended by several lateral buds, which in time produce lovely flowers. The attractive dark green foliage stays clean until the first frost. 

Its intriguing name refers to Willy Wonka's chocolate luring children's story, as it has an abundance of flowers and seductive scent. 'Scrumdidleyumptious' is a wonderful garden plant and was our first introduction to a new generation of intersectional peonies by Donald R. Smith.

Registered in 2002.

Peony Details

Smith Donald R.


Colour palette
Yellow & coral
Flowering period
From week 4 | Mid
Flower form
Plant size
c| ↕︎ up to 70 cm | ↔︎ up to 70 cm
Intensely fragrant
Flower bud(s)
One main flower bud and some sidebuds
Ideal for
The landscape garden - no support
Position & soil
Sunny and airy - soil well worked and not soggy
Fully hardy -20ºC or depending on snow cover

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