Peony 'Garden Treasure'

Peony 'Garden Treasure'


Paeonia Itoh 'Garden Treasure' has semi-double flowers with a profusion of golden yellow petals. Soft red markings in the heart of the flower add depth.

Several side buds develop alternately, ensuring a long flowering period, with more double flowers towards the end of the flowering season. The flowers are positioned just above the semi-gloss foliage. A real gem for the garden!'

'American Peony Society' Gold Medal 1996

'American Peony Society' Award of Landscape Merit 2009.

Registered in with the 'American Peony Society'  in 1984.

Product Details


Colour palette
Yellow & coral
Flowering period
From week 5 | Late
Flower form
Plant size
c| ↕︎ up to 70 cm | ↔︎ up to 70 cm
Softly scented
Flower bud(s)
One main flower bud and plenty of sidebuds
Award of Landscape Merit 🏆 American Peony Society
Gold Medal 🥇 American Peony Society
Ideal for
The landscape garden - no support
Position & soil
Sunny and airy - soil well worked and not soggy
Fully hardy -20ºC or depending on snow cover

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